A Work in Progress

The UNICORN Castle is a haunted museum, currently in the process of evolving into an online virtual environment.

SOME DAY . . .

The UNICORN Castle will become an online environment that exists both as a textual and virtual (“3D” animated) world. Founded by former members of the now defunct Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization, which featured the blog The Medieval in Motion, this castle invites all interested groups and organizations, from amateur explorers to scholars, to join us in this venture of creating a public learning experience in cyberspace. One day, organizations will be able to build halls of exhibits (or single exhibits in a shared hall) that will be open and free to the general public. Embodied as avatars, anyone will be able to roam the halls to explore these exhibits and participate in special exhibitions and tours (that may or may not be free of cost). Scholars and artists may work behind the public “halls” to further research or participate in creative endeavors. But remember: the castle is haunted by the ghosts of medieval people and characters!

Copyright © 2015-2023
The UNICORN Castle (f.k.a. The UNICORN Virtual Museum) was founded in 2014.
Flag logo by William Robinson (Copyright © 2015).

Copyright Notice
copyright creative commonsAll players and game masters retain copyright and have agreed that their character sheets and/or game building plans (sheets, maps, etc.) published by The UNICORN Castle will be made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. This means that players/game masters must: attribute the character sheet and/or building plans, may not use them for commercial purposes, and may not alter, transform, or build upon The UNICORN Castle game or materials (including the character sheet template), except to add information about a particular character.